meme安装_新年的Python Meme#2014pythonmeme
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回顾–我完成了2014年计划的40% (REVIEW – I completed 40% of my 2014 plans)

您想在2014年学习的三件事是什么? (What are the top three things you want to learn in 2014?)

  • A new language or (I did not decided which one) also I want to improve my skills and maybe start a web project in Lua.

    I played a little bit with a Lua module for REDIS but I didn’t learned Go.

  • Python 3.4 new Async framework

    Created some experiments but do not had the oportunity to develop some real project using it

  • RST ( Yeah I need to start to write docs on Sphinx)

    Declined! I will always use Markdown

  • 一种新的语言 和 (我没有决定是哪一个)我也想提高我的技能,也许开始在Lua Web项目。


  • Python 3.4新的异步框架


  • RST(是的,我需要开始在Sphinx上编写文档)

    拒绝! 我将永远使用Markdown

您希望某人在2014年编写的顶级软件,应用程序或库是什么? (What is the top software, application or library you wish someone would write in 2014?)

  • A micro framework for web development with Lua ( I already knew kepler, but I mean something closer to Flask or Bottle)

    Not yet, is there any good framework?

  • An ORM to [OrientDB](http://www.orientdb.org/) with Flask and Flask-admin support

    Almost There! some guys created PyOrient independent of C lib-orient and I started a project called Orient Engine, need to work more on this.

  • Graphical tool to deal with MongoDB aggregation framework. (Aqua Data Studio could do it!)

    Not found! Aqua can use SQL to query Mongo and RoboMongo is an excellent shell but nothing with aggregation framework.

  • 使用Lua进行Web开发的微框架(我已经知道开普勒,但是我的意思更接近Flask或Bottle)


  • 具有Flask和Flask-admin支持的[OrientDB](http://www.orientdb.org/)的ORM

    差不多了! 有些人创建了独立于C lib-orient的PyOrient,而我启动了一个名为Orient Engine的项目,需要对此进行更多工作。

  • 用于处理MongoDB聚合框架的图形工具。 (Aqua Data Studio可以做到!)

    未找到! Aqua可以使用SQL查询Mongo,而RoboMongo是一个出色的Shell,但聚合框架却没有。

2014年计划 (Plans for 2014)

  • Work less and sleep well

    DONE!!! Now I am working in a regular time shift and having some time to sleep and eat well

  • PythonHub

    is a project for 2014, the Python Network already under development

    No, I am so sad about this one, I wanted to create a very useful social network for Python Fellows but no one willing to help

  • More [Quokka CMS](http://github.com/pythonhub/quokka) improvements and modules Quokka needs to be turned in to a CMS Framework, there is already opened issues covering that need, also it needs better documentation and deployment guides.

    YES!!! not too much, but I closed some issues, helped some people to put websites online with Quokka, integrated Quokka with a comercial CRM (SalesForce) and wrote a lot of closed source modules that I want to release very soon to community

  • Write more on blog (about Python, Flask and MongoDB)

    YES! Ok there is too much work to do but I started the What The Flask series and it got nice feedback from community.

  • Finish my new book (I am writing a new book covering Python web development with Flask, it is a guide for beginners and it is written in portuguese)

    SADLY NOT!!! I wrote only 20% of the new book, sorry!

  • New training classes on [cursodepython.com.br](http://www.cursodepython.com.br) (Python, Flask and Mongo courses)

    YES! It will start soon in January

  • Close my company (I do not want to keep paying so high taxes)

    YES!!! I did not close the comapny but changed its contract, now it is only a training company, less taxes.

  • go to [MongoDB world conference](http://www.mongodb.com/world/index.html)

    NO! 🙁

  • go to [Rottnest Island (Au)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rottnest_Island) to meet a real [Quokka](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quokka)

    NO! It was planned for december, but some things went very wrong. Next year I’ll go!

  • 工作少,睡得好

    完成!!! 现在,我按固定的时间班次工作,有一些时间入睡和饮食良好

  • Python集线器

    是2014年的一个项目,Python Network已经在开发中


  • 更多[Quokka CMS](http://github.com/pythonhub/quokka)的改进和模块 Quokka需要提交给CMS Framework,已经存在涉及该需求的未解决问题,还需要更好的文档和部署指南。

    是!!! 不太多,但是我关闭了一些问题,帮助一些人使用Quokka将网站放到网上,将Quokka与商业CRM(SalesForce)集成在一起,并编写了许多封闭源模块,我希望很快将其发​​布给社区

  • 在博客上写更多(关于Python,Flask和MongoDB)

    是! 好的,还有很多工作要做,但是我开始了《 The Flask》系列,得到了社区的好评。

  • 完成我的新书(我正在写一本涉及Flask的Python Web开发的新书,它是初学者的指南,并且是葡萄牙语)

    不能!!! 我只写了新书的20%,对不起!

  • [cursodepython.com.br](http://www.cursodepython.com.br)上的新培训课程(Python,Flask和Mongo课程)

    是! 一月即将开始

  • 关闭我的公司(我不想继续缴纳如此高的税金)

    是!!! 我没有关闭公司,而是更改了合同,现在它只是一家培训公司,税收减少了。

  • 转到[MongoDB世界会议](http://www.mongodb.com/world/index.html)

    没有! 🙁

  • 转到[Rottnest Island(Au)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rottnest_Island)遇到一个真正的[Quokka](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quokka)

    没有! 原定于12月进行,但有些地方出了错。 明年我去!


in Dez, 2013


新年的Python Meme (New Year’s Python Meme)

Inspired by and .


您在2013年发现的最酷的Python应用程序,框架或库是什么? (What’s the coolest Python application, framework or library you discovered in 2013?)

  • I made a about it, and it is definitely the best way to read and write XML files. I do not know about the benchmarks yet, it is working well in production, I can call it the requests for xml.
  • + I already knew Kivy but never worked with it, now I am working on a project and Kivy is now my first choice on desktop/mobile apps. I think Kivy is the new “Tkinter”. I really hope Kivy to be the “standard” Python choice for mobile and Desktop applications. QPython is a Python distribution for Android, already support kivy and pygame, also you can run Django and Flask on that.
  • MongoDB Pipelines are Awesome!!! If possible I never want to create financial reports with SQL again.
  • I already worked with PyMongo in 2011, then I worked a lot with Django ORM (which I don’t like), but the syntax become natural and it was very nice to discover the same syntax to work with MongoDB.
  • 我对此了一篇 ,它绝对是读写XML文件的最佳方法。 我还不了解基准测试,它在生产中运行良好,我可以称其为xml 请求
  • + 我已经知道Kivy,但是从未使用过它,现在我正在从事一个项目,而Kivy现在是我在台式机/移动应用程序上的首选。 我认为Kivy是新的“ Tkinter”。 我真的希望Kivy成为移动和桌面应用程序的“标准” Python选择。 QPython是Android的Python发行版,已经支持kivy和pygame,您也可以在其上运行Django和Flask。
  • MongoDB 管道很棒!!! 如果可能的话,我再也不想使用SQL创建财务报告了。
  • 我已经在2011年使用PyMongo,然后我在Django ORM中工作了很多(我不喜欢),但是语法变得自然了,发现使用MongoDB的相同语法非常高兴。

您在2013年学到了什么新的编程技术? (What new programming technique did you learn in 2013?)

  • I already knew the basics of descriptors because of some examples I wrote for cursodepython.com.br classes, but in 2013 I had the chance to use descriptors in production with Quokka CMS and I learned a lot about this and also a lot about Python.
  • This is not a technique, but a technology/patterns, I never used before, I learned how to implement the server side and front-end and also I ran in to real world problems with it.
  • 我已经知道了描述符的基础,因为我为cursodepython.com.br类编写了一些示例,但是在2013年,我有机会在Quokka CMS的生产环境中使用描述符 ,并且我学到了很多,也学到了很多关于Python的知识。 。
  • 这不是一种技术,而是一种我从未使用过的技术/模式,我学会了如何实现服务器端和前端,并且还遇到了与此相关的现实问题。

您在2013年为哪个开源项目贡献最多? 你做了什么? (Which open source project did you contribute to the most in 2013? What did you do?)

  • I started the project in July 2013, 3 months later it already had more than 500 stars on github (thanks to Hacker News post) and a lot of contributors. Now I already put 3 websites in production using Quokka CMS and its modules cart, classes and fundraising. Quokka CMS was heavily inspired by another projects I worked this year.
  • I started the year with a new job at YACOWS and with this new job an awesome CMS project called OPPS (OPen Publishing System), we developed Opps in less than 3 months and we created 3 web portals for high traffic and nice add ons to work with live blogging, feed crawling, google analytics etc. Also I created many apps for Opps (Pools, Promos, Goalserve sports api, Feedcrawler)
  • PagSeguro is the lead payment gateway in Brazil, I created the Python lib to pagseguro api version 2.
  • Also I created a flask extensions to render Google Maps in Jinja templates.
  • 我于2013年7月启动了该项目,三个月后,它在github上已经有500多颗星(感谢Hacker News帖子)和很多贡献者。 现在,我已经使用Quokka CMS及其模块购物车课程募捐活动制作了3个网站。 Quokka CMS受我今年工作的另一个项目的启发很大。
  • 今年开始时,我在YACOWS工作,而这个新工作是一个很棒的CMS项目,称为OPPS(OPen发布系统),我们在不到3个月的时间内开发了Opps,并创建了3个门户网站,以实现高流量和出色的附加组件与实时博客,提要爬取,谷歌分析等配合使用。我还为Opps创建了许多应用程序(游泳池,促销,Goalserve体育api,feedcrawler)
  • PagSeguro是巴西的主要付款网关,我为pagseguro api版本2创建了Python库。
  • 我也创建了扩展以在Jinja模板中呈现Google Maps。

您在2013年阅读最多的Python博客,网站或邮件列表? (Which Python blogs, websites, or mailing lists did you read the most in 2013?)

那你呢 (What about yours?)

Want to participate? Copy/paste/answer the questions below then tweet your entry with the hash tag:

想参加吗? 复制/粘贴/回答以下问题,然后使用哈希标签在Twitter上发布您的信息:

新年的Python Meme (New Year’s Python Meme)

  • What’s the coolest Python application, framework or library you discovered this year?
  • What new programming technique did you learn this year?
  • Which open source project did you contribute to the most this year? What did you do?
  • Which Python blogs, websites, or mailing lists did you read the most this year?
  • What are the top three things you want to learn next year?
  • What is the top software, application or library you wish someone would write next year?
  • 您今年发现的最酷的Python应用程序,框架或库是什么?
  • 您今年学了什么新的编程技术?
  • 您今年对哪个开源项目的贡献最大? 你做了什么?
  • 您今年阅读最多的Python博客,网站或邮件列表?
  • 明年您想学习的三件事是什么?
  • 您希望某人明年编写的顶级软件,应用程序或库是什么?




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